F3 Greenwood

Last minute BC for December 21st.

Conditions: 36 degrees, “feels like” 31, humidity 73%

Disclaimer given

Mosey to cage as the warm-up

Grab a block – choose wisely, very wisely

The Thang – 21 Gun Salute (for December 21st)

Rifle carry block to the roundhouse. All morning, lowering the block for a rest cost you 10 block Merkins

Work will be 21 (or multiple of) exercises, followed by rifle carry of block around the roundhouse. Penalty still applies for lowering your block.

The work (all x21):

Lunges with block hard way

Flutter kick with block 4 count

Squats with the block

Double count curls

Gas pumpers with the block

Man makers

Leg raises with the block


Double count kettle bell swings

Double count rows


Big boy sit-ups with the block

Overhead presses

American hammers with the block

Tricep curls

Time called


Announcements: no workout on Saturday (Christmas) though rumors of a rogue group have been heard

Prayer requests: Chris Deal and family (ALS, getting worse); member of Blu’s son’s church with COVID; Blu’s family in general for losses that occurred this year and the first Christmas without loved ones; Pothole’s BIL in rehab


Good work from my brothers this morning. Appreciate those who came out.

Christmas is about here. This time is hard for a lot of people, such mixed emotions with feelings of guilt, loss, regret, hopelessness and loneliness running rampant. Reach out to others, love on others, pray for others during this and next week.

Tickle out