Conditions- low 50’s
One Minute warning and disclaimer given
Warm up- mosey to the cage
Grab a coupon and set it at the path from the cage to the Roundhouse.
The Thang- Looney WOD
This hero workout is dedicated to Lt. Brendan Looney, a Navy SEAL, who was one of the nine U.S. troops killed in a Black Hawk helicopter crash in Afghanistan on September 21, 2010. He was 29 years old. As a SEAL, Brendan was described as a skilled operator who led and motivated the people around him. Even though his life came to a tragic and early end, he accomplished more than most people will in their entire lives. Brendan Looney, in life, was a shining beacon of light, integrity, and kindness. In death, he continues to inspire greatness in others. Brendan was survived by his wife, Amy, his parents, Kevin and Maureen, and his five siblings, Steve, Billy, Bridget, Erin, and Kellie.
7 Rounds For Time
400m Run
29 Rifle Carry Lunges (The Hard Way)
Mary Anne
Southern Belle
Tootsie Roll
Announcements- Get barista money to UJ. Tomorrow is deadline to get money to Brut for the Dahmer family.
Prayer requests- Polly recovery
BOM- we balled it up and YHC prayed us out.
NMM- Holy Bun Burner Batman!! So this little jewel popped up on a WOD search. I wish I hadn’t seen it, but it was like driving by a crash scene and I couldn’t help but look. I wasn’t sure if this was doable in 45 min, so I did a one round trial run of the lunges. We definitely have a shot at this. There wasn’t much mumblechatter when I called the work. I don’t know if it was from shock or if it was still registering with the PAX. However there was cause for concern when I brought chalk to keep count of the rounds. That was mostly for my benefit. We ended up with 2 miles and 406 Rifle Carry Lunges. It was a glute destroyer. Mary Anne was killing it. All those squats with Dugger at the YMCA are paying off. The 400’s were life savers between the lunges to get the legs stretched out before the next round. We all came in just in time to get the coupons back by 0600. BenGay performed this solo while down range in NJ. I could not imagine doing this one solo. Thankful for these men showing up to do the harder thing on this non-typical December RED Friday morning. We are all better for it.
Southern Belle is hanging up…