F3 Greenwood


Cold and Clear. 24*F

The Thing

Whatever you want to do, just be back by 0600 for COT.



    Wreaths across America – Pacer to have more information soon. TBD 12/15 – 17
    Q- Sheet is wide open
    Black Friday run to start at 0615
    Ultimate Frisbee at Talon at 0800
    Christmas Light Run on all Wednesdays in December – there will be multiple pace groups

Prayer Requests

    Those who have lost loved ones. Holidays can be a sad time.
    Pothole’s brother in-law, Butch.


    Did you know that when they want to compare how large, or small,How Big is Texas? You Won't Believe How Huge It Is! – Texas Proud other states, countries, etc. are compared to Texas, they have to use a HUGE excavator to dig it up and overlay it for the picture instead of just overlaying the outline like in this picture.
    Family dynamics can be fun. What time are we eating Thanksgiving dinner? Tell everyone 1200 and they still show up a 1300 to eat at 1400.
    Special K’s got some straight up gangstas in his family.
    Gravy is essential to a great turkey dinner.
    One of the best Thanksgiving episodes of a TV show ever is the WKRP Turkey Drop Episode