F3 Greenwood

Now that IPC is over with, we needed to find more uses for this EMOM timer I had to download on my phone. I rolled up, and smelled our lovely skunk friend, and decided going mobile was a great idea.
Here is what we did….

5:14 disclaimer

5:15 warmup – 30 SSH

Lets go!

We ran over to the LU amphitheater (stopping for some basic exercises on the way) and did our 1st EMOM exercise. Run down, Squats for 1.5 minutes, hop up, merkins for 1.5 minutes. 5 rounds, max effort.

We then took off to the LU fountain and did EMOM #2. Let raises for a minute, then forward lunges for 1 minute, 4 rounds of this.

On our way back to home base, we did an Indian run EMOM. 5 burpees every minute until we got back. We then rounded off the end with 10 more burpees and that’s how we ended.


Announcements- Fury boot camp this Saturday

Prayer requests- Thumper’s family


As always, I was thankful these guys showed up and did the harder thing this morning. They killed it. That EMOM timer brings back some “good” memories.

Keep coloring,
