Conditions: 63 degrees, 100% humidity
Disclaimer given (maybe a little late)
BenGay had the Q, but YHC was prepared as BenGay had a late night planned already. The workout was set – we were doing the Starfish, the official circuit course around the AO.
WU was walking to the cage to get the blocks and back to the roundhouse. Only 6 of us did the BC, the rest were skinny runners.
The Thang – the Starfish
Start at roundhouse, where you will always do Australian mountain climbers
Every leg of the Starfish has an exercise, start at 25 and decrease by 5 every round
Leg 1 – run to monkey bars and do pull-ups
Leg 2 – run to end of path and do Jungle Boi squats
Leg 3 – run to Flossy’s hill, bear crawl up, do big boy situps, crab crawl down
Leg 4 – run to gazebo and to decline Merkins
Leg 5 – run to cage and do chest presses
Each round decrease exercise and AMC’s by 5
Goal is 5 rounds in 60 seconds (yea, right)
Time was called just over 2 rounds
Announcements: Convergence at Pistol Pete coming up date TBA; virtual marathon coming up next Sunday, feel free to run some miles with your brothers; 1st Saturday of every month is Men’s Breakfast at NSBC if anyone ever wants to come for food, fellowship and a message
Prayer requests: Thumper and his family
Maybe we started a little late, and everyone seemed to be dragging just a little this morning, but actual completion of the Starfish seems an impossibility to YHC. The AMCs seemed to get harder each time back and just round one = 125! Good to see Homie Sweat out this morning – maybe he’ll do a few exercises next time 🙂 . I’m sure he’ll end up leading the pack like his brother did. Work was done, we got better.
Tickle out