4 men decided that the rain would not be enough to keep them from posting.
Since it has been a while, I don’t remember all of the details from the morning, but I do remember the work prescribed and the solid effort the men put forth.
Disclaimer given at 6 and we got started.
25 Side Straddle Hops
10 Merkins OYO
25 Imperial Walkers
10 Merkins OYO
25 Grass Cutters
10 Merkins OYO
25 LBACs forward/25 LBACs reverse
10 Merkins OYO
The rain was picking up so we moved to the covered picnic area, but we did not completely avoid the rain for the remainder of the workout.
25 goblet squats>> Run to the ticket booth>>10 merkins –4 rounds
25 calf raises>> Run to the ticket booth>>10 merkins –4 rounds
25 OH Press>> Run to the ticket booth>>10 merkins –4 rounds
25 Step ups>> Run to the ticket booth>>10 merkins –4 rounds
25 leg raises>> Run to the ticket booth>>10 merkins –4 rounds
Recover was called at 7.
COT- Count, Names, Announcements, Prayer
Bengay and Quicky killed the workout as usual. Those guys are beasts.
Bandwagon is killing it as well lately. It’s always encouraging to see new guys coming out and getting after it.
Keep putting in the work and you will see that even though it does not get any easier, you will get better.
I am always grateful for my time in the gloom with my F3 brothers, and I appreciate the men who decided to post with me.
Dixie Chick