F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 71 degrees and 100% humidity – again

Disclaimer given


10 pull-ups

10 Bonnie Blairs

Repeat x1

Indian run with 5 Merkins at the back to cage

The Thang

50 lunge steps with the block from cage to the soccer field

Inchworm with the block about 25 yards

Rifle carry back

Inchworm and a Merkin with/on the block 25 yards

Farmer carry one hand to the opposite end of the soccer field

50 triceps extensions

Farmer carry the other hand back across to the other end of the field

100 chest presses

100 flutter kicks with block in press position

50 block pullovers

50 squats with the block

25 lunge steps with the block out, 25 back

100 chest presses

100 flutter kicks with block in press position


Announcements: TASA Challenge celebration will be at Manley Garvin Thursday 5:30pm. Come claim your brew. Everyone welcome, but only qualifiers get a Tan and Swole Ale. Today was week 0 of IPC at Shipyard. Next opportunity is Thursday at Talon, 5am. Saturday is at Epicenter, Q is needed (Pothole realizes).

Prayer requests: Blu’s BIL, all of Afghanistan including those evacuated and those not, all of our military involved or not, all those in the wake of destruction from Ida.

Thanks to my brothers who showed up to do a little work with me in the gloom.
