F3 Greenwood

Tweeter threw out the idea of a 5-mile Indian run as a farewell to Steffi who is packing his bags and heading north in about a week and 7-8 other men joined for a really fast 5 miles. YHC was not one of them. YHC learned his lesson the last time this happened and Triple Bogey was setting landspeed records.

Disclaimer was given.

26 men left and 26 men returned.



      Saturday’s BC is at Epicenter

    Prayer Requests

      Dr. Glen – chiropractor in town – passed away suddenly last week
      Steffi and his move


      YHC and Goose had a conversation during the run about raising children and holding them to their commitments and teaching them the value of hard work. That brought Provers 22:6 to my mind. The author says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” As we all know, parenting is hard. And it’s easy to do the easy thing and not parent. But we are called to train our children. Sometimes this requires discipline and being the “mean” parent. But it always involves love. So, do the hard thing. Teach your children about commitment and hard work and determination and they will remember that. They will still make bad choices but hopefully, they remember the lessons that we teach them as they mature in life.

Until next time,
