F3 Greenwood

YHC was downrange this past weekend, so YHC thought why not? Let’s participate in the 1776 Patriot Games CSAUP created by the crazy men of F3Jacksonville and 4 other beasts joined in the festivities.

Disclaimer – given


    Quick mosey to pull-up bars to explain the workout

1776 Patriot Games

    Partner workout with reps being cumulative.
    Start with a 1776 meter run. That’s 1.01 miles for us Americans.
    Then, 100 cumulative reps of each of the following:

      Moroccan Nightclubs
      Mountain Climbers
      Plank Jacks
      OH Claps
      Flutter Kicks
      American Hammers
      Shoulder Taps
      High Knees

    100 yard bearcrawl (this made YHC smile)
    76 burpees

Recover was called when Beano and Toothpick finished their burpees. Tickle and Polly had finished the bearcrawls while YHC was in the middle of a modified version due to being OYO.



      Saturday workout at Fury
      ACFT – Monday July 12th at 5:00 AM at the Y

    Prayer Requests

      Quickie – recovery, pregnant M, and impending loss of job due to Fuji closing portions of their plant
      Slay family – loss of husband and father


      TClaps to F3Jacksonville for creating this beast. Once again proves who body weight BCs are not as easy as they sound and provide as much of a beatdown as those with coupons. This one was a grinder.
      Beano and Toothpick killed it. Tickle and Polly didn’t stop the entire time and were so close to finishing. They would’ve finished if the workout was an hour.
      Psalms 119:11, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” This was a great reminder of YHC of the importance of staying in the Word. YHC has no problem getting up at 4:30 to come out in the gloom but YHC doesn’t always bring the same energy and enthusiasm to reading the Word which is more life saving.

Until next time,
