F3 Greenwood

Conditions- clear and low 60’s

One minute warning and disclaimer given

The Thang- We ran and came back.




Announcements- SCFOF5K. Run fast and get top pick of B&J ice cream flavors to eat in your buttery soft t-shirt.

Prayer requests- 2C’s family. Service is in Camden on 6/10 at 4:00pm.

YHC prayed us out

NMM- Pusher was there. Blu and Mr. Bean were not. Evidently Garvo left his Manley-Garvin card at home and Bean wasn’t there to use his, so there was no free coffee. If only it was a double star day, we may have had a chance. Surely he’ll be here next week. As always, there was quality 2ndF for those that could hang around.

Southern Belle is hanging up…