It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Mr. Bean back in the gloom. That’s right, he was back and it was even below 40 degrees. He’s preparing his body for the March Madness challenge.
Disclaimer was given.
19 left for various distances at various paces. YHC was happy just to run without Tweeter yelling at him that he wasn’t running fast enough and my watch not buzzing for the next interval. 19 came back.
March Madness begins on Monday. If you don’t like your team, to bad. Deal with it. Start EHing guys and find some FNGs. But whatever you do, get your butt out of bed and post.
Prayer Requests
Toothpick’s co-worker whose mom just got diagnosed with breast cancer is having surgery on Monday.
Bean was back and that’s all that needs to be said.
YHC loved the chatter on the Twitter channel the past 2 days with the March Madness challenge release. Keep staying active. EH those Kotters and FNGs. Let’s get this thing going.
Welcome to Julia. He ran with the Extreme 2.0s this past weekend and posted this morning. YHC knows we have another runner amongst us to push the pace.
YHC shared Genesis 1:27 this morning where the Word reminds us that we were created in the image of God and God makes nothing by mistake. Our job is to not conform to this world, keep our eyes focused on Him, and allow Him to continue to mold us. This is not a passive process. We are active members in this process and the best way to do this is to show others His love in how we live. That is the challenge everyday.
Until next time,