YHC signed up for this Q in hopes of being able to utilize the big tire that always seems to be neglected at this AO. This was supposed to be an easy day…
Conditions: Misty, almost raining, but not quite. Mid60’s.
Disclaimer: Given
Music: Set at opposite ends to the triangular square.
The Warm Up: Pax line up on the goal line and slow mosey to the 25 yd line, then slow mosey back. Rinse & Repeat for the 50yd line, the 75yd line(even though Blu says it doesn’t exist!), and finally the 100 yd line. After getting back from the 2nd 25yd line, YHC called an audible to the next step.
Suicides sprints; 25, 50, 75, and 100 yds. It Pays To Be a Winner! The first pax back performs 1 burpee, the 2nd performs 2 burpees, etc.
Enough of that sprinting business!
Split into groups of 2 or 3.
Southeast corner: 5 Tire Flips and 45 Air Squats
Southwest corner: 50 KB Swings (performed at the Northwest corner)
Northwest corner: Weighted lunge walk from concourse path to the bleachers and back, approx. 50 yds carrying a 60# sandbag.
Northeast corner: 25 Seated Gas Pumpers on the bleachers.
Traverse between corners by shuffling sideways for 50yds, performing 25 merkins, and then shuffle 50 yds leading with the opposite shoulder.
Rinse & Repeat until time was called.
Announcements: Krak house 5k for hemophilia.
Prayers: Blu’s grand babies to be.
The work was supposed to be around the corners of the football field. When YHC arrived, the field was wet and so it made more since to keep the KB’s closer to the tunes and out of the muck.
TClaps to Blu and MeterMaid for posting this morning. One’s on a roll and the other is trying to get there. As a matter of fact, Paper Cut and Rapunzel are beginning to post more frequently as of late.
Audibles were made after everyone competed the first circuit to 15 merkins at the 50 and lunge walk halfway.
Tires are fun! Sandbags are fun! It’s funny how just a little bit more weight can make such a massive difference!
I was glad that everyone posted and was open for the torture I had planned. It was truly an honor and a privilege.
JKS – Alpo