YHC knew he wanted to get out there, and also had no interest in repeating IPC.
5:14, disclaimer
5:15, mosey to front parking lot
Warmup, 20 SSH IC, 20 Cut the Grass, IC, 20 Plank leg lifts IC
Werk, Double Dora 1, 2, 3. We worked up and down the driveway in front of the elementary school entrance. Runners mosey to end of the drive for 10 LBCs and back.
Set 1: 100 Merkins, 200 Leg Raises, 300 Squats
Set 2: 100 Big Boiz, 200 Lunge Steps, 300 Dollys
The 4 others paired up. YHC was solo, but alternated work and running between the two pairs. Polly suggested YHC was the ‘War Baby’ of the group. He’s not wrong…old farts.
Did you know there is a Erskine College Baseball Alumni and youth bowling constituency in New Jersey? Probably not…well ask Meter Maid.