F3 Greenwood

YHC went searching for a WOD that was relatively leg friendly after the IPC this week and came across Coffland. YHC had never heard of the PAX of F3Greenwood tackling this one, so this what was on the menu. But, last night, the great Garvo asked if YHC was “man enough” to do IPC week 1 for a “time estimate”, so, of course YHC agreed to it for some insane reason and then YHC convinced Crayola to join him. So while the 6 hung around for Coffland, YHC and Crayola were guinea pigs testing out IPC week 1.

Disclaimer was maybe given by Sugar. (YHC isn’t sure as YHC was somewhere in the middle of jungle boy squats at 5:15.)

The Thang


    US Army Specialist Christopher J Coffland of Baltimore MD died 11/13/2009 in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when enemy forces attacked his unit with an IED. Coffland, who joined the Army a month before reaching the enlistment age limit of 42, was assigned to the 323rd Military Intelligence Batallion at Fort Meade, MD. He was deployed to Afghanistan 2 weeks before his death.
    The WOD

      6 minute straight arm dead hang (cumulative time)
      Each time you drop:

        800 meter run
        30 push-ups


    Chipper – 34:00
    Pothole – 39:15
    Sugar – DNF
    Cleo – DNF
    Foreclosure – DNF
    Inspector – DNF



    IPC week 1 – Inspector’s Gadget is the name and it might be as much fun as the cartoon. The old one of course.
    F3Classic City (formerly F3Athens) is relaunching tomorrow. We are taking a clown car down there on September 26th

Prayer Requests

    Our country


    Coffland looked to be a real crowd pleaser. A lot of mumble chatter about gripping and size of hands that you missed if you weren’t there.
    By the way, IPC Week 1 makes week 0 look like child’s play. Get ready to have some fun.

Until next time,
