YHC almost hit the snooze one too many times this morning. I took some of my own advice from yesterday when i said ,”drag yo butt outa the fartsack”. With the toughest part of the day done, i arrived at Epicenter at 0457 to a packed house with lots of FNGs. Awesome!!!!!
Planted the shovel flag and grabbed some cones to mark the 400m run.
Weather: 71 degrees F and occasional mist of rain
Disclaimer: Given
One minute warning: Given
Warm-up: None (IRON PAX WK ZERO – some may need the full hour)
The Thang:
Four rounds for time: 50 Squats, 40 Big Boy Sit-ups, 30 Merkins, 20 Bonnie Blairs, 10 Burpees and 400 meter run.
Crayola – 00:23:53
Dash – 00:25:01
Dempsey – 00:26:08 (sorry, i told you wrong at coffeeteria)
BenGay – 00:29:06
Tweeter – 00:29:57
MaryAnne – 00:30:19
Special K – 00:34:35
KiKi (FNG) – 00:35:57
Pluff Mud (FNG) – 00:36:15
Porn Stache (FNG) – 00:38:16
Delilah (FNG) – 00:38:42
Flipper (FNG) – 00:39:14
Tickle – 00:39:50
Lurch (FNG) – 00:40:56
Wylie (FNG) – 00:41:00
Cleo – 00:41:17 (not accurate – started late)
Scrum – 00:49:07
Spew – 00:49:48
Kobayashi – 00:49:52
One FNG splashed merlot. Welcome to F3. As BenGay says, “It’s harder than college athletics”.
IPC – SIGN UP! Official times start next week.
- Clown car to F3 Classic City on Saturday September 26th. They’re relaunching F3 Athens.
Prayer Requests
- Kobyashi’s Mom
- Scrum’s Mom
- Lander Strength coach’s Mom
- YHC proctored for time, to motivate and help encourage form. Unfortunately, I left my speaker in the suburban that went to the shop yesterday for repairs. Heavy breathing, groaning and an occasional mumble chatter was noise of the morning. A sheriff’s officer did a drive-by. I informed the FNGs that we have been approached by the fuzz in the past. After nearly five years, they know were just a bunch of knuckle heads working out.
- We had a refreshingly different group this morning that included several FNGs that were college students. The age range was 16 to 50. I was impressed by the FNGs willingness to do their best in regards to form and effort. One of them even went back to pick up the six. These young men seem to get it. Their F3 naming skills are on point also. I hope us older guys can influence these young lives to stay close to a community of well rounded men that include Fitness, Fellowship and FAITH.