YHC knew it was going to be a great morning in the gloom when every traffic light between the humble abode and Talon was green. And it got even better that there were already a crowd of studs in the parking lot ready to go 10 minutes before 6:00. And the cars kept pulling in for the next 10 minutes for a total of 17 PAX for a great Saturday morning in the gloom. When YHC was looking at the attendance sheet earlier in the week, YHC noticed that Saturday was going to be YHC’s 200th post of the year so the workout was centered around the number 200. And then it was brought to YHC’s attention that MaryAnne is turning the big 40 on Monday so YHC wanted to incorporate this number as well. The splash of merlot was the icing on the cake.
Disclaimer was given and off we went.
SSH x 40
Imperial Walkers x 40
Mosey to the football field.
The Thang
Football Field
Bearcrawl 200 yards total. Bearcrawl to the 50 yard line and do 40 flutter kicks. Bearcrawl to the endzone and do 40 flutter kicks. Bearcrawl back to the 50 yard line for 40 flutter kicks. Bearcrawl to endzone for 40 flutter kicks.
When done with 200 yards bearcrawl go secure a coupon and leave it at the gate for later. When everyone was finished, we moseyed to the pavilion.
Pavilion Work
Wall sit for 50 seconds, followed by 40 LBC’s. Repeated for a total of 4 times for 200 seconds of wall sitting.
Then we did 4 rounds of:
10 dips
10 jungle boy squats
10 burpees
50 step-ups (easy way)
Total of 40 dips, 40 jungle boy squats, 40 burpees, and 200 step-ups.
Mosey to the front parking lot and we waved at the blocks on the way back.
Parking Lot
Plank for 50 seconds followed by 40 leg raises. This was repeated for a total of 4 times but we substituted 40 freddie mercuries in the essence of time for a total of 200 seconds of planks.
We had about 8 minutes left, so PAX did as many rounds as they could of:
10 merkins
10 monkey humpers
10 burpees
50 travelling lunge steps (easy way)
Total of 40 merkins, 40 monkey humpers, 40 burpees, and 200 lunge steps. Crayola got through 3 rounds before time was called.
We moseyed back to the waiting blocks that we never used. We’ll save that BC for a later date. We returned the blocks and circled up.
Clown car to F3 Classic City on Saturday September 26th. They’re relaunching F3 Athens.
Prayer Requests
Kobyashi’s mom
The mumble chatter was on-point this morning. Foreclosure was working on enunciating his numbers right next to me as YHC was trying to count cadence during wall sits. He sounded very British while doing so. There was some conversation of liking it rough during wall sits that you missed if you fartsacked. Inspector said something about his legs not wanting to wake up. And of course there was the audible groan when YHC called a 200 yard bearcrawl but we all embraced the suck. Oh, yeah – Spew splashed merlot. Welcome to F3. It’s harder than college athletics.
Mornings like this are what makes YHC love getting out of bed in the gloom. There has been a lot of talk about culture lately and YHC loves ours. We need to continue to reach out to men who we know in Greenwood and EH them so they can experience what we do every morning. At coffeteria the other morning, YHC, BabyBlu, and Pothole were talking about how none of us have ever experienced anything like this until we started F3Greenwood and this is what it is all about. Knowing at any time we can ask for help cutting down a tree, or to borrow a tool, or to come help because we’re moving or our car has broke down and there will be men there. We need to share this stuff more. And this is what YHC believes IPC has done for us. It brings us together. We push and encourage each other. We grow stronger. Let’s continue to push the rock forward together.
Until next time,