YHC had signed up for the Q last week buy Baby Blu asked if he could have his Birthday Q, and seeing how wideopen the Sheets list was i just jumped on the next week. After running all weekend i decided it was going to be stationary work.(but not the Bengay kind of Stationary), and some upper body fun.
Weather was mild to say the least.
Disclaimer given at 5:15, but a couple paxs showed up after.
Warmups: 25 SSH, 10 merkens OYO, 21 Cut the grass (because i forgot to stop at 20), 20 SSH, 20 mountain climbers.
The Work. (DORA)
Each pax grab a coupon and partner up on the grass. the work is accumulative with one pax stationary and other partner going mobile.
100 Burpees ( other partner bear crawl 50 yards and does 10 air squats and bear crawl back.)
200 merkens (bear crawl 50 yards, 10 air squats, bear crawl back.)
300 Dips ( 25 lunge steps out and 25 back)
400 Curls (After 100 lunge steps we changed to Farmer carry left handed to 50 yards, 10 overhead press, and farmer carry back right handed.)
500 Bench presses (farmer carry left, 10 overhead presses, carry back right handed.) Recover was called and coupons were returned.
No Announcements.
prayer request: Inspector and the Family dealing with illness.
Good to be Qing again, did not know if I came up with a decent workout plan until i heard some mumble chatter from Bengay asking me if it was going to be leg day at the gym for me today, and topping that with Sugar saying he was feeling swoll after I figure everyone must have thought it was decent. Good to see everyone push hard for 45 minutes, good work Men. until next time Encino out!