Conditions- 70 and sticky
0559- one minute warning and disclaimer
Warmup- didn’t really need one, but did it anyway
20 Cut the grass IC
20 Hillbilly’s IC
20 Mini Burpees OYO (Merkin then pull knees to chest and then back to plank=1)
The Thang-
Dora-(PAX1 does the work while PAX2 does prescribed out and back, flipflop)
100 burpee block jumps with bunny crawl to the cones and run back
200 American Hammers and rifle carry to the cones and run back
300 SSH and farmer carryout and back swapping hands at the cones
Abs for the 6
Not quite half way there yet, and the sweat is torrential.
Grab the coupons, head to the football field, and line up in the endzone. No need for the coupons. Seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
25 hi/lo plank
Run to other endzone
50 big bois
Run back to the start
50 big bois
Run back
25 hi/lo plank
Run back to the start
10 burpee extra credit for the 6. Inspector said he already had an A in the class. A++ now for the Inspector.
What? These beasts are blowing through this work. Way too much time left on the clock.
Ring of Fire
Group holds high plank while one PAX does 5 hand release merkins. Complete another round and PAX only does 2 hand release merkins.
Round 2-
Group holds Superman while one PAX does 5 hand release merkins. Complete another round and PAX only does 2 hand release merkins.
Ugh…glad that’s over. 10 minutes left. Let’s head to the playground.
11’s with pull ups and WW1 situps
Announcements- APFT next Thursday at the YMCA at 0500. Murph Friday. Sunshine has Terrapin Monday. Be there. Possible 3rdF opportunity 6/20 from 9am to 11am at Grace St Park. Good Times Brewing is hosting a litter pickup. More details to follow.
Prayer requests/praise reports- Triple Bogie’s missing dog and 3 very sad 2.0’s, Bandwagon, the Greenwood community.
1 Corinthians 12:13- For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body- whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free- and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
With all the division happening all over our country, there is only one place we should be looking to, and that is Jesus. We should be setting the example by showing Jesus to our community. Jesus doesn’t look at our bank accounts, our clothes, our belongings, our deeds, He looks at the heart. We need to try to see people how He sees them. The same blood that was shed for me was shed for everyone.
BOM- YHC prayed us out.
NMM- What a sweatfest! Still loving these big groups on Saturdays. So I pulled out a new exercise I called the bunny crawl. I really need to learn when and where to use it. Paired with burpee block jumps proved to be a thigh ripper. Those cones seemed a mile away. I thought I would hear the mumblechatter erupt when I said to head to the football field. But I think everybody actually enjoyed the cool, wet grass. Thank you guys for showing up this morning and doing the harder thing. I am better for it.
Southern Belle is hanging up…