YHC signed up for the Q in hopes that Cyclone would post for his first time since the 5yr convergence. As I pulled up to the AO, only DC and BenGay were there. I hopped out and made the comment, “so much for Cyclone posting.” It was 0514. And then he pulls in leading BeanO and Pothole. Good things happen with persistent applied action. This is how it all went down.
Conditions: Warm, muggy, and freshly wet but no rain.
Disclaimer: Given
Mosey to the coupon cage, grab TWO coupons, and then congregate at the outfield corner of the two adjacent softball fields.
25 reps each – KB Swings, Curls, Ovhd Triceps Ext, Alpo’s
Farmers Carry to the light pole half way.
Rinse and Repeat the 25’s
Farmers Carry beyond the picnic table near the center of the Epicenter.
Rinse and Repeat the 25’s then 21-15-9 BBSUs, VUps, Flutter Kicks
Farmers Carry to the half way pole.
Rinse and Repeat the 25’s
Farmers Carry to the starting spot.
Rinse and Repeat the 25’s then 21-15-9 BBSUs, VUps, Flutter Kicks
Round 1 is now complete. Rinse and Repeat for Round 2.
Guys started falling grinding to finish Rd2. YHC called an audible with approx. 5 mins left. Fast mosey to the center bldg wall and back. Rinse and Repeat.
Now Farmers Carry to the halfway pt and back. Do this 4 more times until 0600 is reached.
Announcements: Wed Sbucks 0515/ Thur Talon 0515
Prayers: Made.
It was great to see Cyclone post again. YHC played 80’s hair rock just for him.
It seems like DC and keep finding a way to grind through KBs & Alpos on a weekly basisi now.
Pothole #WhiteKnighted the rest of us. BeanO and BenGay may have finally caught him at the end.
The pax definitely complained about the DOMS brought on by Murph.
As always, it was a pleasure leading such fine men.
JKS – Alpo