F3 Greenwood

Conditions- around 50 degrees, 100% humidity, but not raining

0512- empty parking lot so YHC caught up on my pull ups for the day

0513- BenGay is drafting Tickle as they enter the Parking lot.  Bean-O met them coming in from the other side.

0514- one minute warning and disclaimer

0515- head to the coupon cage, grab a coupon and meet up at the roundhouse. No rain, so we are going to start off under open skies.



20 High Knee Taps

20 Mtn Climbers

20 High Knee Taps


The Thang: Ladder

10 Burpees

20 Overhead Presses

30 Tricep Extensions

40 Curls

50 LBC’s

60 Chest Presses

70 SSH (1 ct)

Exercises progression was 10 burpees, then 10 burpees and 20 overhead presses, then 10 burpees, 20 overhead presses, and 30 tricep extensions. You get the pattern. I believe everyone was finishing round 7 or starting round 8 when recover was called.




Announcements- APFT March 5 at YMCA.

Prayer requests- BenGay’s M’s boss is waiting for pressure to decrease so a procedure can be performed. Hoping to be done today. The loss of a 7 yr old little girl last week during an outpatient surgery. Family and friends of Faye Sweltik.

Devo- To be a good leader, or just better overall, you have to take care of the inside for it to be seen on the outside. Paul told Timothy in Timothy 6:11 to “…pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness” and to “guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.” Inward growth is a precedent to outward growth. Too many times this world throws things at you from the outside that can only be understood when what is inside has been strengthened. Staying in His word and surrounding yourself with people that encourage and motivate you to grow will enable us to be better leaders and hopefully help others to be as well.

BOM- YHC prayed us out

NMM- I expected nothing different for this Q. Seems like my last 10 Q’s have been in the rain or high chances of it. Well the weatherman was wrong again. I think most PAX took his word for it though. But 3 PAX joined me in what turned out to be a perfect morning for a beat down. Come on. It’s only water. You can only get so wet. I threw this weinke together yesterday, obviously before the aftermath of Inspector’s ridonculous Terrapin forearm shred fest showed up this morning. I was instantly reminded of all the little things that my forearms do painlessly on a regular basis that I take for granted. 45 minutes of abs would have been way better that what I put together. The warm up was well received. Especially the knee taps. Bean-O was the first to say “Well, those sucked!”. Try calling cadence while doing them. Mumblechatter was at a minimum. It was all work. Bean-O and BenGay came out swinging. It was a combination that roasted the arms and shoulders quick. Tickle hammered his way through at a steady pace using some impressive form. Tickle is like his homebrew, he just gets better with age. Making 50 look like the new 30. I’m thankful that these guys showed up despite the forecast. I am guilty of fartsacking on crappy mornings that turned out to be perfect. You can’t get those back or make up for them. Let’s all do better at taking advantage of every morning that we are blessed with. We will be better for it.


Southern Belle is hanging up…