YHC wasn’t sure what kind of crowd to expect pulling up this morning. Twitter was kind of quiet last night and it got cold again. But there were 5 faithful PAX all ready to go when I got there. YHC hopped out of the car, gave the one minute warning and the DISCLAIMER!
Weather – cold but not windy
SSH x 25
5 burpees OYO
IW x 25
5 burpees OYO
SteelGay IC x 10 (think Sumo squat with trunk rotation. YHC uses this stretch with some of the Lander athletes for the back. Pusher said that it needed a name and he chose this one. Not sure why, but here you go.)
5 burpees OYO
SSH x 15
YHC promised a half mobile BC, so we took off. We moseyed to the front parking lot and lungewalked the length of it. At the other end, we did a safe Indian Run to the entrance of Hunter’s Creek.
Hunter’s Creek Work
Perform 20 walking lunge steps towards Sand Trap Lane and mosey the rest of the way there. Then perform 20 merkins, 25 flutter kicks counting right leg only, 20 Copperhead squats, 25 LBCs.
Perform 20 walking reverse lunge steps towards Tally Ho Drive and mosey the rest of the way there. Then perform 20 right arm elevated merkins, 25 flutter kicks counting right leg only, 20 Monkey Humper, 25 LBCs.
Indian Run to Gentry Lane. Then perform 20 left arm elevated merkins, 25 flutter kicks counting right leg only, 20 Big Boy Squats, 25 LBCs.
Indian Run back to Tally Ho Drive. Then perform 20 right arm elevated merkins, 25 flutter kicks counting right leg only, 20 Monkey Humpers, 25 LBCs.
Perform 20 forward walking lunge steps and mosey to Sand Trap Lane. Perform 20 left arm elevated merkins, 25 flutter kicks counting right leg only, 20 Copperhead squats, 25 LBCs.
Perform 20 reverse walking lunge steps and mosey back to entrance of Hunter’s Creek. 20 merkins, 25 flutter kicks counting right leg only, 20 Big Boy Squats, 25 LBCs.
Indian run back to Talon. Mosey to coupon pile and carry to pull-up bars.
Big Boy Sit-ups
KB Swings
Plank drags
Big Boy Sit-ups
Recover was called and coupons were returned.
-AFPT test on March 5th at YMCA
-Dam2Dam race next week
Prayer Requests
-Pusher’s family
-Mac-N-Cheese and Bandwagon who are both recovering from surgery
-YHC wanted to do some exploring in Hunter’s Creek this morning. There are some definite options there. We tried to be quiet during the BC. We didn’t make it to the big hill by the clubhouse, maybe we can save that for another Saturday BC.
-YHC had some back tightness after yesterday’s RED Friday WOD, so the SteelGay was thrown in. It definitely can be modified to use bricks to work on mid-back strength. It will make another appearance soon.
-Great work out in by the guys today. Tickle continues to kill BCs. It’s always great to have Pusher and his work rate in the gloom. YHC threw the KB swings at the end in for Pothole because that man can throw that coupon around with ease. YHC was slightly afraid of SB when we went to the pull-up bars after yesterday, but he might have been too tired to seriously hurt me.
-YHC shared this concept that our church is going through called Grace Bombing. The simple concept is that “Grace Built People, Grace Bomb People.” If you want more information about it, their website is https://www.gracebomb.org/ or talk to YHC about it. We are created to show love to others and hopefully through these actions, others come to know Him as a result.
Until next time,