F3 Greenwood

Conditions- 57 and a tad breezy.

0514- Disclaimer loud and clear for all to hear.

0515- let’s get ‘er did



30 ct Al Gore


25 squats

Mosey to the coupon cage. I waited until BenGay got the lock off before I called for PAX to grab 2 coupons each. Que mumblechatter. Circle up at the Roundhouse.

The Thang-

25 Big Bois

Run to pull up bars

10 Pull ups

Back pedal back(crowd pleaser. May have said the disclaimer again here)


25 Goblet squats

Farmer Carry around the building

25 Calf raises


25 Big Bois

Run to pull up bars

10 Pull ups

Back pedal back


25 Lunges 1 leg

Farmer Carry around the building

25 Calf raises


25 Big Bois

Run to pull up bars

10 Pull ups

Back pedal back


25 high knee step ups 1 leg

Farmer Carry around the building

25 Calf raises


25 Big Bois

Run to pull up bars

10 Pull ups

Back pedal back


25 monkey humpers

Farmer Carry around the building

25 Calf raises

Rinse and repeat for early finishers.





Announcements- Run Your Ice Off today, the 4th, if you didn’t catch the first one this past Saturday. Begin preparations for next year’s Run Your Ice Off. Date TBA. Run/Ruck/Walk tomorrow at Starbucks for 0500/0515 start. Be there and let’s get an avg of 21 PAX a day for Feb. Don’t screw up Uncle Jesse’s avg. Jerk January is over, and I cringe to think what Feb holds.

Prayer requests/praise reports- Bandwagon and Tweeter recovering from assaults from various inanimate objects. Scrum and family dealing with the loss of his father in December and having a newborn last month. BenGay’s M’s boss still in recovery and doing better.

BOM- YHC prayed us out.

NMM- WOW, what an awesome Feb morning?!? 8 PAX decided to take advantage of it with me. I had originally planned a leg heavy beatdown until I saw Uncle Jesse’s tweet about his leg friendly Fury plans. It didn’t occur to me that PAX were ramping up for the Dam2Dam, so I backed off a smidge on the legs. Several other PAX and I are doing an abs/pull up challenge in Feb, so lucky for you guys, you got to join in that today and helped us get most of our reps in. With all the accidents of late, I thought I was going to be the next victim. I smashed my nose into the bar on my very first pull up. I didn’t want to touch it, because the way it sounded when I hit it, I figured it was pointing in a different direction. I just knew it would start pouring blood, but thankfully only a nice purple bump to show for it. Baby Blu almost pulled a Bandwagon coming down the hill when he noticed a gate partially pulled out into the path. Had it not been for his elite athleticism and cat-like reflexes, he would have attacked the asphalt path with his face. The back pedal up the hill in the dark went much better than I anticipated and provided the burn I was looking for. Everyone went straight to work and made it through the first round of work. Most finished and started on the rinse and repeat before time was called. I would say the worst part of all the work was the farmer carry from the cage to the roundhouse and then back to the cage at the end. Complete forearm burner. Every trip around the roundhouse seemed to get longer and heavier. It was great to have Scrum join us in the gloom. I’m sure BenGay will talk him into doing all kinds of ridiculous shenanigans with us in the future. So, this weekend was Men’s Weekend at church. The men of the church were challenged to step up and lead in our families, in our churches, and in our communities. Serve your M’s instead of asking of them. That is not easy. Sometimes it feels impossible, but we should step up and do it anyway. Set the example for how our daughters should be treated by their boyfriends and husbands by how you treat your M, and for how our sons should treat their girlfriends or wives. Leaders lead. Thank you to each of the guys that showed up this morning and gave it 100%. I am better for it.

Southern Belle is hanging up…..