F3 Greenwood

29 degrees with a slight breeze that made old glory more noticeable.  BenGay gave an extra jump on the shovel staff for good measure before the  work started.

One minute warning given.

Disclaimer given.


25 Side straddle hops in cadence

10 burpees

20 Side straddle hops in cadence

20 cut grass in cadence

10 merkins in cadence

5 burpees


The Main:

Get one block each.  go to round house.

4 rounds in the 400 meter loop as follows:

30  Kettle bells

Run to main track

30 big boy sit ups at the corner

Run to monkey bars

10 pull ups

Back to round house




Goblet squats


Leg lifts


Block Pull-overs

Blocks back to cage.  Mosey back to flag for COT. 



Run you Ice Off coming soon

Prayer Request:

Flossy’s dad and father-in-law.

A couple of pax have friends that are dealing with divorce.


I was “voluntold” for this Q.  Come to find out BenGay initiated the email I thought was from Kobayashi. A good kick in the butt is what it takes for me to lead workouts. I can be a leader when things get tight but it’s not a natural role for me.  If you haven’t noticed, I’m a go with the flow kind of guy most the time.  Thanks to all of you (especially those that lead often) for motivating me to stay fairly healthy for a little over 4 years now.  I sure as hell wouldn’t be working out in sub freezing weather on my own.