F3 Greenwood

YHC signed up to Q this morning a couple of weeks ago to get back in the groove of posting after being gone for the past week or so. And while YHC got some workouts in on vacation, there’s nothing like coming home and getting back out in the gloom with the PAX and YHC was happy to be joined this morning by MaryAnne, Tickle, and MeterMaid.

Disclaimer was given at 6:00 and off we went.


SSH x 25

10 merkins

IW x 20

10 merkins

Cut the grass x 15

10 merkins

LBAC forwards and backwards x 15

10 merkins

OH and front claps x 15

10 merkins

Divide up into pairs and each PAX go secure a coupon.

Tire Flip DORA – YHC did this a couple of weeks ago but made some modifications to make it more fun and YHC thinks it did the trick

PAX 1 starts at the goal line with 2 blocks and farmer carries to the 50. At the 50, PAX 1 does 5 manmakers. After the manmakers, PAX 1 resumes the farmer carry to the opposite goal line. While PAX 1 is doing this work, PAX 2 flips the tire the width of the endzone. When PAX 1 finished his work, he picks up where PAX 2 was and flips the tire back to its starting place. PAX 2 picks up the coupons and farmer carries them to the 50, does 5 manmakers and resumes the farmer carry to the original starting goal line. After PAX 1 flips the tire back to its original starting spot, he moseys to the 50, does 25 merkins, moseys to the goalline and then bearcrawls the width of the endzone back to the coupons. PAX 2 bearcrawls the width of the endzone, moseys to the 50, does 25 merkins, and moseys back to the tires. This is repeated for a total of 4 times. (We did audible halfway through and only bearcrawled twice much to the delight of the PAX.)

After 4 rotations of this, each PAX secured their coupon and moseyed to the flagpole between the baseball and football fields.

12 Rings of Christmas – Exercises were done like the 12 days of Christmas song around the flagpole. We only got through 6 rings due to time.

Day 1 – High plank block drag down and back the line.

Day 2 – Low plank block drag down and back the line.

Day 3 – Holding Al Gore position while each PAX did 5 thrusters.

Day 4 – hold coupon in 90 degree of flexion position while each PAX did 20 curls

Day 5 – hold 6 inches while each PAX did 20 flutter kicks

Day 6 – continuous monkey humers while each PAX did 10 monkey humpers

Recover was called and the blocks were returned.



-January 4th relay marathon starting at 6:00 from Manley-Garvin. More details to come.

-Greenwood-Abbeville Little League Field Work day this Friday starting at 9 for those that can help. We have 20 tons of dirt to be unloaded by hand. Any help will be appreciated.

Prayer Requests

-Mr. Bean’s dad

-Mary Elizabeth Land – BenGay’s M’s boss and the Director of the Abbeville County Library System – had a ruptured brain aneurysm and is in ICU in Greenville recovering from surgery.


-Great work but in by the PAX this morning. MaryAnne was speaking the truth when he said that tire flips take it out of you. Tickle isn’t sure this is what his loved one gave him during the 12 rings of Christmas.

-We only got through half of the rings, I’m sure the other half will rear its ugly head at another BC in the near future.

-During coffeteria at Starbucks, we learned that in Nebraska they eat cinnamon rolls and chili together. Tweeter says it’s good, YHC isn’t sure but might try it out one day.

Until next time,
