F3 Greenwood

As good plans of mice and men sometimes fail, especially when the coupons take to missing.  YHC planned a coupon heavy workout, but had to call an audible when several pax confirmed that the coupons were not in preferred location.

So, audible work was arranged as we rocked out to 80’s rock.

This is what we did.

Partner up for some 300 reps.  Accumulative reps for two exercises (150 reps of each).

1st round: 150 pull-ups and 150 merkins

2nd round: 150 burpees and 150 dips

3rd round: 150 squats and 150 lunge walks (the hard way)

4th round: 150 mountain climbers and 150 hard exercises

and finally to finish off the BC we moseyed to the flag pole for 10 HR merkins.

Time was called, return coupons……….oh wait.  Circle up for COT.


Prayer Requests

NMS:  For the second time in recent history, the coupons have took to missing from Terrapin AO.  It is truly a shame to, because those were some special coupons.  From destinations unknown but with barnacles that will draw blood from your hands, shins, and whatever else they came in contact with.  Truly a shame.

But we must continue to push the rock, even when the rocks aren’t to be found.  A small but hard working crowd.  Encino doing the harder thing by supporting a weighted vest throughout the workout.

It is always a pleasure to workout with this crowd, and always special to Q.  Until next time, BabyBlu is out.