F3 Greenwood


30 SSH

30 Imperial Walkers


Each Pax grab 2 Brick’s a piece from the back of the truck and carry above head to the football field.

20 LBAC in cadence with Brick’s, forward, reverse.  These were real shoulder burners after Tuesdays Iron Pax Challenge. 20 flutters with bricks in hands side to side.


1- Squat

1- Overhead Press

1- Row

1- Merkin

Continue doing these workouts adding 1 until you complete 10 of each. When you reach 10 work your way down the ladder until you get to 1. I think we all reached 8 on the way down the ladder.

Next exercise. Start on the Goal line and Bearcrawl with bricks in hand to the 10 yard line.

5 burpees on the 10 yard line and then 20 wing spans

High knee back to the Goal line 20 Brick Punches.

Rinse and repeat for 4 rounds

Ring of Fire

Hold squat position until its your turn to do 20 squats

Hold plank position until its your turn and do 20 shoulder taps.

5 minutes left so we picked 5 ab exercises to finish up.

25 Big boy situps

25 Freddie Mercury’s

30 flutter kicks

25 American Hammers

25 Monkey Humpers( not an ab exercise)

Put brick’s behind the fence and head back to the shovel flag

Great work today Gentlemen! It’s amazing what a small brick can do after a tough workout like Tuesdays Iron Pax. Man the shoulders were BURNING!!

Welcome FNG Gomer Pyle

We counted, named, announced and prayed.


Gomer Pyle with future endeavors. Pray for his grandmother as well.

Rapunzals friend and their family

Judge Hairy

Difference Makers
Ephesians 2:10