The AOQ offered the Q to me last night and I agreed. Was not sure what to do there because I had not seen the area well in the daylight but I decided to come up with a 4 corner work around the field to watch and root on the guys doing the IPC.
weather: beautiful cool morning
Disclaimer given.
warmups: 20 SSH, 20 Cut the grass, 20 SSH, 20 imperial walkers
The Work.
4 rounds of 4 corners. 10 burpees, 20 Merkins, 30 squats, 40 crunches. After run to block wall and do 3 rounds of 10 step ups and come down to a squat position, 10 incline Merkins on the wall. 40 count super man hold, 50 count inclined plank on the wall. After we circled around for two rounds of circle of fire. Each pax call out a body exercise for round one and a ab exercise for round two. After that there was 8 minutes left so we did one round of iron pax challenge to finish the workout and did COT and announcements.
prayer request: Judge Hairy, Polly wife and mother in-law, everyone affected by the hurricane.
Good to see TRaV return to the gloom, and everyone else that decided to show up for the workout today. Until next time.