8 men posted at Epicenter for a little Dora and Koby inspired core work.
One minute warning and disclaimer given. We got started at 5:15 as a couple last minute pax pulled up.
30 SSHs IC
30 Mtn. Climbers IC
30 Plank Jacks IC
30 Imperial Walkers IC
30 Whirly Boys IC
The Thang:
Dora: 100 OH Presses, 200 Alpos, 300 curls
P1 does reps, P2 rifle carry lunge walks to near post of soccer goal(about 20 total steps for YHC) and returns. Flapjack until all reps are completed.
At this point, Alpo suggested we take a few minutes to lay down. I try to oblige the pax requests from time to time, so I decided to borrow an idea from last week’s Shipyard bootcamp.
Thanks for the idea, Koby. Everyone was thrilled with it and many kind words were directed at you during and after the work.
15 Minutes of Core:
45 secs of ab/core reps : 15 secs of plank
I cannot recall the specific order of all of the work and a few were repeated. Here are some of the exercises: LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Scissor Kicks, Leg Raises, Reverse Crunches, WhirlyBoys, Half Wipers, Big Boy Sit-ups, American Hammers, RH plank, LH plank, low plank.
We returned to the flag for COT.
Count, Names
Register for Ironpax challenge. https://f3greenwood.com/ironpax-form/
Sign up to Q. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UWN-zJtzBasY4pWf8iJKIW60hh4c3IQDo4ek2f9ak7E/edit#gid=528213164
Coffee Runs tomorrow at 5/5:15. Alpo has the Q. Be there and EH someone who hasn’t posted in a while.
2nd F opportunity tonight: BOGO wings at Sportbreak.
Prayer requests: Koby’s mother was in the hospital last night after a fall.
We prayed and headed to Starbucks for some 2nd F.
It was a fun morning at the Epicenter. TClaps to the men who decided to get up today and push each other to be better.
Thank you for posting.
Dixie Chick