F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 76 degrees and humid.  No wind.

Disclaimer: given at 5:15


25 SS hops in cadence
25 burpees
10 merkins in cadence
5 rounds:
30 kettle bells
30 gablet squats
30 overhead press
400 meter run with
10 hand release merkins at playground
5 rounds:
30 step-ups
30 curls
30 big boy sit ups
400 meter run with
10 hand release merkins at playground
Most completed the first five rounds
None completed any of the second five rounds.
Pathway House meal tomorrow.  We’re serving spaghetti. Any help is appreciated.
This Saturday’s bootcamp is at Epicenter.
Prayer Request:
Flossy’s Mom recovery from broken arm and knee cap.
Quickie’s brother-in-law battling liver cancer.
NMM: It was hot and humid with no breeze this morning.  Typical SC July. I’ve lived here all my life and still sweat in this weather without even moving.  That said, the cool breeze at Starbucks was awesome.  UJ and I both agreed there was no relief like it for the 10 pax at Epicenter or 9 pax at Fury during the workout.  The sun shines on a dogs ass once in a while and a cool breeze can sooth the burn.