F3 Greenwood

Disclaimer Given

70 and humid


50 SSH in cadence

Grab two bricks each from the back of Koby’s truck and head to the field beside the parking lot.

Circle up

20 LBAC forward  in cadence with both bricks

20 LBAC reverse in cadence with both bricks



21 Burpees with bricks in hand

21 Big Bois with bricks in hand

10 Brick merkins( was supposed to be 20 but someone yelled,”Your Crazy!” after about 5 of these.)

15 Burpees with bricks in hand

15 Big Bois with bricks in hand

10 Brick merkins

9 Burpees with bricks in hand

9 Big Bois with bricks in hand

5 Brick merkins( I think I would have been stoned with bricks if I didn’t change this to 5)

Partner up

Partner 1- bearcrawl with bricks in hand to the cones 20 yards out, then do 5 burpees with the bricks. Run back to partner 2.

Partner 2- Start doing Big Bois with bricks until partner 1 comes back. 200 total Big Bois between partners.

Plank when finished.


Hold squat postion until its your turn in the circle and do 20 squats.

Plank for 1 minute( Special K gave us the 1000 count)

Time called. 6:00


2nd F on Thursday at Fusion

Furman 5k July 4th

Saturday @ Shipyard 2C has the Q


Hulk on Mission Trip with Church to Guatemala

Koby traveling to California with work

Pushers parents


Core- Be Draftable by Tony Dungy

You will never lose by emphasizing character over results. God is interested in your success, but He is more interested in your character.

Psalms 15:1-2


Big shout out to Koby for bringing the bricks to the Shipyard. Also, Everyone can thank Southern Belle for those crazy Brick Merkins. I heard through the grape vine that Southern belle did some crazy 17 minute warm up at Fury a couple weeks ago with Bricks. I text him last night about it and through 50 text and finally a video I understood the exercise. Thanks for the patience brother! Man these guys crushed the workout today! I got called crazy a couple times ,but thats okay I’m used to it. Thanks for pushing it today guys. One last thing, I looked over at pusher while I was struggling through the Brick Merkins and he was crushing them. Dude is a Brick Merkin machine!