F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 68* F and clear with absolutely no breeze

Slightly unorthodox start to the morning.

Lead with the right side.

Forward fold to Warrior One. Warrior One with Twist.

Warrior One to Downward Dog. Downward Dog to Three-Legged Dog.

Repeat for the left.

The Thang:

Mosey to the steel pole across from the coupon cage and circle up.

SSH (in cadence)

Flutter Kicks (in cadence – some fast/some slow)

Merkins (on my call)

Mosey a little further around the track.

SSH (in cadence)

American Hammers (on my call)

Imperial Walkers (in cadence)

Mosey some more.

SSH (in cadence)

LBAC (in cadence – forward and backward)

Over Head Claps/ Front Claps/ Raise the Roof (in cadence)

Mosey some more.

Squats (on my call)

Mosey to the hub.

Wall Sit. I used this down time for the devotion.

Ephesians 6:10-18 Talks about equipping yourself with the armor of God so that when the time comes, you are able to stand against temptation.

Windshield Wipers (on my call)

Mosey back to the flag.


Flutter kicks (in cadence – some fast/ some slow) until 6am.

We counted and named.

We requested prayers for BenGay’s grandfather (95 years old with heart issues), Pinto’s sister in hospice, Kobayashi traveling next week.

We praised the fact that BenGay is now through the interview process and will be able to start hiring a full staff.

We closed out in prayer.


Not really much to say here. Polly was fairly quiet today.

It was really good being back out leading this group of men.

Untill Next time…