So, I have become very lazy over the last month or so, and I’ve struggled to make myself get up out of bed in the mornings to go work out. So… the best solution I could come up with, was to sign up to Q. And so far this week, I’ve posted twice and Qed twice. And with the rain coming down this morning without the having the Q duties my attendance would have been cut in half. So apparently the plan is working. Now I just have to sign up to Q every day I guess. Early yesterday I decided that “Bradley” would be my WOD of choice. Mainly because I need to start working on pull-ups, but also, because it’s an all around good WOD. But with the rain coming down this morning, I felt like pull-ups on a wet apparatus may not be the safest thing to call. So when I got up I started perusing through the Hero WOD listing and come across “JT”. It’s a short WOD that can be done in Polly’s Pavilion and it’s never been done before at. Winner. “JT” it is.