F3 Greenwood

YHC pulled in a little early to open the cage. Ben Gay had texted me the day before so I knew he was not going to be there b/c of work, a pain we are all familiar with. Time was fast approaching and I was still the only one in the parking lot. The consideration was to take it back to the house if no one showed but I trekked to the cage and back so I was awake, and could be a local Gary siting (still trying to get him to come). With about 3 to go Weaver pulled in so thankful it would not be a solo run and someone there to help push me that extra effort.

Warm Up
20- SSH
15- Imperial Walkers
10- Arm circles

Coupon cage
100- front presses
Run about 25yds to light pole 10 merkins and back

This was originally to be a DORA and at this point YHC though. It only takes two to DORA
150- tricep extensions
Run about 25yds to light pole 10 merkins
Once completed 30 flutter kicks counting one leg
Carry the block to the Center
Partner 1 15 Step ups count one leg
100- Over head presses
200- Curls
300- Bench Presses
Carry block back to the cage for individual work
After each exercise 20 American Hammers
50 Thrusters
50- Alpos
50- Goblet Squats

Recover called. Work and music were solid, thanks Weaver for showing up. We returned to parking lot for COT and Prayer.

Let us run with patience- Hebrews 12:1

Pray for Weavers son in his residency venture.
Pray for injured F3 brothers

Until bond is up again, Otis back to the slammer.