Conditions- 56º
One minute warning and disclaimer given.
Warm up- 20 SSH IC, 15 Windmills IC, 15 Cut the grass IC, 5 burpees OYO
Head to the coupon cage and grab a coupon.
The Thang-
10 burpees
Run out one of the legs of the starfish to the end of the the longest fence and back.
10 Burpees
20 BBSU’s
Run a different leg and back.
10 Burpees
20 BBSU’s
30 Tricep Ext
10 Burpees
20 BBSU’s
30 Tricep Ext
40 OH presses
10 Burpees
20 BBSU’s
30 Tricep Ext
40 OH Presses
50 LBC’s
10 Burpees
20 BBSU’s
30 Tricep Ext
40 OH Presses
50 LBC’s
60 Chest presses
10 Burpees
20 BBSU’s
30 Tricep Ext
40 OH Presses
50 LBC’s
60 Chest presses
70 Curls
Ring Of Fire-
One PAX does 20 low half curls while all other PAX hold coupon at 90º. When he is done, the next PAX to the left does the curls and the first PAX goes to a hold. Continue around the circle until all have done curls.
Next, one PAX does 20 OH presses while other PAX hold their coupon in rifle carry.
Recover, return coupons, and circle back up at the flag.
Announcements- Fuji 5K was this Sat, Blood and Guts training continues, Sunday Coffee run COT at 7:30, Terrapin next Saturday, SIGN UP TO Q!!
Prayer requests/ Praise Reports- Black family, the dude in the bathroom(more to come on that).
BOM- YHC prayed us up
NMM- For the last few months, the Saturday boot camps have been Qless up to the last minute. This week was no exception, so I jumped all over it. Don’t threaten me with a good time. We had a great group of men show up. I was glad to see it. It was great to have Sugar back out in the gloom for a boot camp after his long stint of training for the Chicago Marathon. Just before 0600, 2C had to go see a man about a dog. I told him to just meet at the coupon cage. At the cage, he informed us that there may be someone sleeping in the bathroom. If he was asleep, I’m sure he’s up now. There was some good mumblechatter this morning. The progressive work may have been confusing at first. Evidently Sugar got too close to 2C and 2C yells out “Stay in your lane Glenn!” Sugar then commented that 2C’s preworkout blend may have just kicked in. About this time we hear the bathroom door shut and a head peeks out around the brick wall. Then the door shuts again. By the process of elimination, we knew it wasn’t any of us. No telling what was going through his mind when he saw us outside the door. After a few more Peek-a-boo’s, he decided to come on out and disappear in to the gloom. BenGay was straight up killing the work. The Ring of Fire is always a crowd pleaser. The burn is real. Excellent work men! Still waiting for another double digit Saturday…..
Southern Belle is hanging up……..