It’s a little less than 9 weeks away from the recently announced Blood and Guts PR Challenge. 11 pax decided it would be a good idea to get a head start by hitting some hills on a Friday morning. The plan was to go old school and hit the “original” F3 Greenwood Hills route…..the bowl with the spur added in. By my count, 6 pax hit the bowl while others ran other routes.
Conditions were August
Disclaimer was given along with the designated route
All pax returned by 0600 and were better for the work that was done. Hitting the bowl for hill repeats with several other pax was much better than hitting it alone. Something about passing everyone on each leg just helps you to keep pushing and actually reduces the suck factor by just a little bit. Personally, I’m looking forward to more designated routes as guys push to get faster.
-Announcements: Blood & Guts PR Challenge, Q’s are needed
-Prayer Requests: Ethan Long