F3 Greenwood

It was a solid turnout for week 3 of the IronPax.

Announcements were made but this BB is so late, it doesn’t matter what they were.

Prayer Requests
-Bean’s family buried an uncle and they have a cousin in hospice
-Quickie is having a colonoscopy. (Joy!)
-Honesty in our lives

-No surprise that Blu led the pack.
-We all agreed that the hand release merkins got harder and harder and were worse than expected.
-YHC shared Ecclesiastest 5:10-20 where it speaks of not being so concerned with how much money we make. We should be more concerned with the impact we have on the lives of our families and those around us. YHC struggles with this when there is “never enough” at the end of the month and yet all of the bills are paid and my family has food, shelter, and clothing. I have to be reminded that He ALWAYS provides what is needed.

Until next time,
