F3 Greenwood

YHC has been trying to get back into the bootcamp Q rotation. Since I had a small crew last time, I thought I’d recycle (with a few modifications) a workout I did earlier in the month. I had a totally different group this time. So, the work was new to everyone but me.

I returned to the flag after setting things up on the soccer field to find Smoky in attendance. Good work getting back out in the Gloom, man.

The disclaimer was given, followed by a burpee rep (starting with five) countdown for the warm-up. Then we headed to the soccer field to start the real work.

The Thang:

Upper Body AMRAP:

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • Bear crawl to center
  • 25 Hand-Release Merkins
  • Crabwalk to the other side of the field
  • 25 Plank Jacks
  • Run back to the start
  • Rinse and repeat until “recover” is called

Lower Body AMRAP:

  • 50 calf raises with block
  • Lunge walk to center
  • 50 air squats
  • Bunny hop to other side of the field
  • 50 Bonnie Blairs
  • back peddle to the start
  • Rinse and repeat until “recover” is called


  • 50 Big Boy Situps
  • 50 Whirly Boys
  • 50 LBCs
  • 50 American Hammers

That last AMRAP was supposed to be a little more complex, but YHC modified it due to time constraints.

After the workout, we were counted, we were named and we prayed.


  • The Ironpax challenge kicks off in August.
  • A lot of Q vacancies. Sign up to Q.
  • Saturday’s workout is at Fury.
  • 2.0 workout Saturday as well.

Great work guys!

Until next time, CC