F3 Greenwood

YHC did not want to get out of the Fartsack, but I had the Q today and need all the training my body can take for the upcoming spartan. So I forced myself out of bed and got over to the turtle. Today’s workout schedule is Spartan inspired.

Weather. Extremely humid.

Disclaimer given, and on to warmups.

25 SSH,10 cut the grass. I had 20 air squats on the list, but can’t honestly remember if we did them.🤔After we meant in front parking lot at the road for round 1. 20 burpees and run to top of Charles st. and do 40 crunches, run back and repeat 3 rounds. After we grabbed the coupons and meant in the grass, but first we did a balls to the wall for a 50 count, and return to coupons for the next round. Round 2: 50 Arm curls, 50 tricep extensions, 40 bent over rows, and 40 Alpos. After do 10 pull-ups and repeat. (3 sets)

30 second dead hang, and then it was Ab work. 20 Vups, 30 American hammers, 40 flutter kicks (3sets) but stopped at 2 for time. Return coupons and and did COT.

Good work Men I think we made the Spartan family proud.