Conditions- 70 degrees and 97% humidity. You know it’s bad when you walk out of the house and your eyes fog up.
One minute warning and disclaimer- done. No signs of Twitterless Pixel. He HC’d through Tootsie Roll. Can’t wait. Let’s get to work.
Warm up-
5 Burpees OYO
25 Mountain Climbers IC
5 Burpees OYO
Note to self- really hard to count SSH’s and breathe at the same time…….
Head to get coupons and meet at the student parking lot.
The Thang- Student Parking Lot
We lined up at the school end of the two longest parking rows and worked toward the highway.
Round 1-
Lunge walk with coupon to each white line in the row. Exercise at every line. Alternate lines with 10 curl presses and Triceps. When you reach the end, backpeddle, side step, and sprint your way back using the white lines on the opposite side of the row.
50 Big Bois
Round 2-
Bear Craw to every other line. 2 burpees. Increase by 2 until you get to the speed bump. We were at 10 burpees at this point. Then come back down by 2 until you reach the end. Come back down the opposite side just like round 1.
Flag Pole-
Rifle carry coupon around the traffic circle one time.
Time Called.
Announcements- Blu’s Red Friday Birthday Q, Blu’s 60th Birthday Party on Sat at 7PM. Saturday workout at Terrapin. Rabbit Chase next Wednesday. SIGN UP NOW!!!
Prayer requests/praise reports- Tickle’s 2.0 just got his driver’s permit. This was a prayer request….
Verse for our day was Colossians 3:13 – “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” We were given the perfect example of forgiveness to follow. We are far from perfect, and forgiveness is difficult sometimes. Life is too short, for us or them, to hold hard feelings and grudges against our brothers and sisters. It releases us from the bondage that those feelings create for us.
NMM- Great work by all PAX this morning. The humidity led to a quick sweat, and we put in some work. Shoulders were fried. Several guys with nagging leg injuries modified this morning on the zig zag motions across the parking lot. Never perform an exercise that you know will aggravate an injury. Kudos for the guys changing it up to avoid more issues. The parking lot took up more time than expected, so we didn’t get to experience all the pleasures I still had in store. Guess I was still on Fury time and thought I had another 15 minutes to go.
We had 4 PAX join the COT right before Tsunami. Glad to have them join the circle. As we were walking to the vehicles, Piddler and I asked Tootsie Roll if he was going to join us at Starbucks for some 2nd F. He promptly said no because the freaking Germans scheduled an early meeting that morning. Leave it to the freakin Germans to ruin some great 2nd F!
Until next time….
Southern Belle is hangin up….