Conditions: 67 degrees and just right
YHC has been a stranger to the Fountainhead for quite some time. I’ve been focusing on boot camps and have let my running suffer. So the best way to commit to getting some runs in is to sign up for a run Q. With very little sleep last night, a fartsack was inevitable had I not already committed.
I got there a few minutes early, and for the first time ever, pulled in to an empty parking lot. I had an HC from Dixie Chick, but it was looking like a solo run may be in the works. Pothole and a few others started to roll in with minutes to spare. Pothole took off a few minutes early to try and get 5 miles in. Little did he know, he was going to push out a bit more.
5:14 One minute warning and disclaimer
5:15 We’re off. On my way back to the fountain, I passed several PAX that started a little late. Glad they didn’t let the thought of being late keep them from posting. Good work Tweeter, Mary Ann, and Pinto! Everybody put in the miles and was back by 6, but Pothole. Has anybody seen Pothole??
Announcements: Saturday workout is at Epicenter. Tsunami starts tomorrow at the Shipyard from 6-6:50. Pusher has the Q. Sunshine is now the Tsunami AOQ.
Prayer requests: None, but we all know that all of us need it.
Devo: Romans 8:13 – “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.” We have countless choices to make every day. We can feed the flesh, or feed the Spirit. The one that gets fed the most will get stronger and eventually defeat the other. We all put in the time to cram as much into a day as we can. Have we invested more time in things of the flesh and starved the things of the Spirit? So guilty of this myself, knowing that I don’t put God first in my day.
Locked up and prayed
NMM – Just before the COT, we had decide that if we had not seen Pothole by the end of the COT, that we would split up and take several different routes home from the fountain in hopes of a Pothole sighting. After we prayed it up, still no Pothole. Just as the search routes were picked, Pothole emerged from the gloom unscathed. I believe he was feeling a little froggy and went for a sixth mile. He soon discovered he wasn’t going to make it back in time. We were all glad to see him.
As always, it was YHC’s pleasure to lead this group of men and spend some time with my brothers in the gloom.
Southern Belle is hanging up……