F3 Greenwood

13 Guys showed up for a post Memorial Day workout. Since the Memorial Day Murph Hero WOD put a solid azz kicking on most of us I decided to give us a little bit of a break. So the order of the day was arms and abs.

Conditions: Doesn’t matter. We work out in all conditions.

Disclaimer: Given

Mosey to the Coupon pile, grab one, and return to the parking lot in front of the Gym.


SSH x25 IC
Navy Seals x5 OYO
Cut the Grass x20 IC
Navy Seals x5 OYO
Copperhead Squats x15 IC
Navy Seals x5 OYO

The Work:

Round 1
Curls x25
V-Ups x10
Run to the low end of the parking lot, touch the curb, and run back

Curls x25
V-Ups x9
Run to the low end of the parking lot, touch the curb, and run back

Continue this pattern all the way down to 1 V-Up

Round 2
Tricep Extensions x25
Flutter Kicks x10 IC
Run to the low end of the parking lot, touch the curb, and run back

Tricep Extensions x25
Flutter Kicks x9 IC
Run to the low end of the parking lot, touch the curb, and run back

Continue this pattern all the way down to 1 Flutter Kick IC

Return Coupon and circle up around the Shovel Flag


* Saturday’s workout is at the Shipyard

Prayer Request:
* All is good in the Wood


* Speaker fail for the second straight workout. Time to procure another one.
* Good to see a couple of faces that I haven’t seen in a while.
* Workout was dubbed the Holiday Q because it was a little on the soft side. Unfortunately without doing a ton of reps it’s hard to achieve muscle failure doing curls. And unless you do several Ab exercises back to back you never quite achieve the desired burn. Don’t worry, I’ll make up for it on the next Q.
* Despite the softness of this Q the guys that posted did more than they would have if they stayed in the bed.

Until the next Q…
The Meter is paid in full