F3 Greenwood

Another opportunity to get better and only a handful of pax took advantage of it.

Conditions: 66* F with 100% Humidity

Disclaimer: Given

Mosey to the fake field.

30 SSH
10 Push-ups
20 Imperial Walkers
50 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to the practice field and grab a coupon. Rifle carry coupon back to the fake field. Stack coupons at the gate. Coupons are NOT allowed on the fake field.

3 Rounds
25 Leg Raises
Bear Crawl to the 20 yard line
25 Monkey Humpers
Crab Crawl back

Plank 60 sec count

3 Rounds
20 Merkins
20 Tricep Extensions
Lunge Walks to the 20 yard line
20 BB Sit-ups
20 Windshield Wipers

Grab coupons and riffle carry to the goal line of the practice field.

3 Rounds

25 Overhead Presses
10 Burpees
25 Curls
10 Burpees
25 Alpo’s
10 Burpees
Time was called before we could complete all 3 rounds.

50 V-ups**
50 Y-raises** not needed
50 America Hammers** not needed
**Extra Credit for Early Finishers


Saturday workout at Fury
2.0 workout
Group of Rogue runners hitting the trail at 6:30 Saturday
2nd F opportunity at Fusion
Memorial Day Murph at Terrapin
Hustle will be open Monday and start at regular time

Prayer Requests:
Beano’s foster child went back with family
Kobayashi’s mother is being belligerent and disruptive at assisted living

100% Humidity was no joke
Beano got a good dose of fiber(?) this morning by eating some of the rubber pellets on the fake field.
Work was done!

Until Next Time…
i don't care
if you dont’ post at my Q, just post somewhere and get better