F3 Greenwood

YHC was feeling drained when I woke up today, and thought if I didn’t have the Q I would have fartsacked, but that’s why it’s good to step up and lead every once in awhile.

Weather: Perfect!

Disclamer given. Warmups: 20 SSH, 10 little baby arm circles forward, back, overhead, and front, 15 now the grass, and a 20 count super man. Mosy to the coupon cage and meet on soccer field.

First round : 10 man makers on the corner of field, overhead carry to half corner of field and do 20 weighted squats , overhead carry to other side and do 30 curls, overhead carry back to forth corner and do 40 bench presses. 3 sets increasing man makers by five and every thing else by 10.

Next round: 10 diamond merkens,20 reverse crunches, 10 tricep merkens and 20 Vups. 2 sets. And just like that our time was up. Return coupons and have a fight with the lock for cage which had us finished about 4 minutes after 6. Names and announcements, prayer and work was Done!

I can’t lie for some reason I felt like crap this morning but I pushed it through and got better.