F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 63 and windy

(all in cadence except the Merkins)
SSH (30)
Imperial Walkers (25)
Merkins (down/up 10 count)
Arm Circles (25 forward/30 Reverse)

Grab a coupon and circle back up.

The Workout

Round 1
50 OH Presses
10 Flutter Kicks
40 OH Presses
20 Flutter Kicks
30 OH Presses
30 Flutter Kicks
20 OH Presses
40 Flutter Kicks
10 OH Presses
50 Flutter Kicks

First Interlude
2 min Wall Sit
2 min Plank

Round 2
50 Curls
10 Sit-ups
40 Curls
20 Sit-ups
30 Curls
30 Sit-ups
20 Curls
40 Sit-ups
10 Curls
40 Sit-ups

Second Interlude
2 min Wall Sit
2 min Plank

Round 3
50 Bench Press
10 Reverse Crunches
40 Bench Press
20 Reverse Crunches
30 Bench Press
30 Reverse Crunches
20Bench Press
40 Reverse Crunches
10 Bench Press
50 Reverse Crunches

Count: 12
Name: Welcome FNGs Ms. Kitty and Peckerwood

Cannonball Run this Saturday at Terrapin
2nd F at Fusion

Prayer Requests:
Families of those killed in motorcycle accidents this weekend and those injured
DeRossett Family

I was told that one of the FNGs was told to expect some planking so I didn’t want to disappoint
Not sure my counting during the first 2 min plank did anything to help BabyBlu take his mind off the planking
Several guys this morning had trouble staying seated on the wall. Not sure what the trouble was but Humpty Dumpty would’ve been proud
It was good to have Dixie Chick back out killing it this morning. He made the wall sits look easy by doing them on 1 leg. What’s up with that?
BabyBlu continues to impress. Block Bench Presses weren’t hard enough so he takes his best off and wraps it around the coupon
Glad to see all the guys out there this morning.
Blu, Bean and I had a nice conversation about Pusher’s fartsack while transitioning between forward and reverse arm circles. Found out later that this was an A-hole move on my part because I didn’t let the pax put their arms down during this interlude. Sorry Mr. Belding and Ms. Kitty.

Until Next Time…
Don’t get cracked up.
humpty dumpty