F3 Greenwood

I have been thinking about doing a coupon free workout since that’s always my go to for a good work out, but could I do a whole workout without any block work. Well let’s find out!

Disclaimer given at 5:15

warmups: 10 burpees,20 merkens, 30 Air squats. OYO

Indian merken run around school stopping half way, and doing 40 decline LBCs on the grass hill, after continue complete lap, and do 20 burpees, and another Indian merken run stopping half way at th concrete wall and doing a 40 count balls to the wall stands, and complete run back in front of school cafeteria.

Next round: Burpee box jumps, 10 burpees and 20 box jumps in the sequence of 1 burpee and 2 box jumps, after run to flag pole  and do 20 V ups, run back and do 20 dips, and return to flag pole and do 40 LBCs. Complete 3 sets.

Next round: 20 Hip merkens (Do a merken and touch left side of your hip, merken and right side, etc., 20 Air squats, 20 up to down planks, and 20 wurly boys. 2sets.

Return to flag and do names and announcements. Welcome FNG Mulkey.

prayers for Pusher’s and Duggar’s parents, and Southern belles daughters school teachers dad is in the hospital after being hit while driving his moped. Prayers please for them all. I had to step my game up when I heard the fury boys were coming to my Q I hope it was up to there level, and everyone muscled through it like Pros. Good work men!

Work was Done!!