Weather = Perfect
One min warning and disclaimer given.
Warm up.
Indian Run around school. Last PAX does 5 burpees.
Grab coupon and meet at top of the concrete monster.
Top of concrete monster do:
50 curls, 50 overhead presses, 50 alpos
Mosey to corner of parking lot in front of the gym: 30 lbc
Mosey to bottom corner of parking lot: 30 leg raises
Mosey across parking lot and do: 30 dying cock roaches
Mosey back to coupons.
Rinse and Repeat X3
One more round of 50 curls, 50 overhead presses, 50 alpos to get to 200 reps.
60 sec wall sit
25 merkins
60 sec wall sit
25 triceps extensions
60 sec wall sit
25 v-ups (Special K request)
Time called
Lunch today
Hodges 5K this weekend.
Prayer Request:
Duggars mother
Flows 2.0 (arm)
Special Ks 2.0 Bad car accident yesterday. No injuries.