F3 Greenwood

YHC was running late this morning and just glad to get there before 5:15 without getting pulled over. Weather, a beautiful mid 50s and no rain. Disclaimer given at 5:15, and away we went.

Warmups: 20 side straddle hops, 10 cut the grass or I like to say mow the grass, 10 mountain climbers, and 10 merkens on your own.Grab coupons and meet in front of gate for first round.

First round: 10 one handed merkens on the block and bear hug the coupons and jog to middle gazebo near the benches and do 10 weighted step ups per leg, overhead carry back and 10 merken drags on the grass bear hug carry back and do 20 weighted squats. Repeat 4 sets but only did 3 due to time, after we did a Indian merken run which this is when Polly’s complaining seemed to have gotten louder in response I assured him it was being done because he and Judge hairy enjoyed the last ones so much. Stopping half way in front of swing sets we did 20 LBCS and 5 pull-ups.4 sets, and resumed the Indian merken run back to coupons, and for the last exercise we did 10 burpee block jumps which I think everyone enjoyed. Return blocks and meet at flag for names and announcements: fury workout Saturday, Meatloaf on the Q prayers for Dixie chick, and we welcomed FNG Chily ( Chris Westmoreland) hopefully He didn’t get scared off.

Beautiful morning, everyone got quality time with there coupons, and work was done.