F3 Greenwood

Conditions: 33 degrees and *#@! COLD

Disclaimer:  Given


  • SSH X 10 IC
  • LBAC X 20 (10 forward/10 back)
  • Flutter Kicks X 10 IC
  • Al Gore Squats X 10 OYO
  • Whirly Boys X 10 OYO


Mosey to tennis courts.

 Tennis Court Escalator: (AMRAP 10 mins.)

Bear crawl long sides.  Crab walk short sides.

1st Corner: 10 Merkins

2nd Corner: 20 Mountain Climbers (each leg.)

3rd Corner: 30 LBC’s

4th Corner: 40 Monkey Humpers

Rinse and repeat until time is called (10 minutes)

Mosey to Flossy’s hill!


Flossy’s Hill: (AMRAP 10 mins.)

Run up the hill Backwards

At the top of the hill:

10 V-Ups

20 Flutter Kicks (each leg)

30 American Hammers

Run down the hill and do 40 squats.

Rinse and repeat until time is called (10 minutes)

Mosey to the coupon cage.


Block Party: (AMRAP 10 mins.)

Line blocks up on sideline of short field.

10 We’re not worthy with coupon

20 Pull over chest presses with coupon

Run to other side of short field and back.

30 Kettle Bell Swings with coupon

40 Curls

Rinse and repeat until time is called (10 minutes)

Return coupons.

Mosey to shovel flag.


Count-a-rama: 5 Dedicated Pax


  • 04/21/18: Pink up the Pace 5K for Lauren Austin, $25.00 registration ends 4/20/18.
  • 05/05/18: Hodges Elementary 5K, $25.00, Check-in at 8 am, Race at 9 am.
  • 05/12/18: F3 Greenwood 3rd Anniversary CSUP Event: “The Cannonball Run” 0600 at Terrapin, sign up online – no charge.


Prayer Requests:  Dixie Chick, Lauren Austin, pax on the IR.

BoM:  Closing Prayer


Five Epicenter faithful came out to kick-start my 54th birthday by getting better. It is always an honor to spend 45 quality minutes with these guys. Growing up in NJ there were a few occasions when there was snow on my birthday, BUT NOT DOWN SOUTH! Man this cold has gotten OLD. Like most pax, I had to drag my cold gear out of storage ONE MORE TIME. There was not a lot of chatter during the workout, everyone put in a solid effort and got better. There was no significance to the numbers 10-20-30-40 (they don’t add up to my age) It just made it easier for me to keep track. You all know how easily I loose my place while counting! I think I heard Rapunzel say that this was a great way to kick off a birthday and he would be Qing on his.

Tip of the Day: Never stop learning!

Lesson of the Day: Today is National Bat Appreciation Day! – No joke, it’s a real thing (read a book!) I just learned that today. #BatAppreciationDay
