F3 Greenwood

Another Thursday at the Shipyard, and the weather a crazy 39 degrees.

Disclamer given at 5:15

warmups: 10 Moe the grass, 10 Little baby arm circles forward and reverse, 15 mountain climbers, and a super man hold for a 20 count.

Jog to coupons and meet at bottom of concrete monster.First do a Indian merken run doing 5 merkens around school stopping half way and doing 40 decline LBCs on the little grass hill, and continue back to coupons.

First Round: 30 weighted squats and bear crawl up the concrete monster and do burpee merkens, drop down and do two merkens before coming back up for a burpee. 10 burpees, 20 merkens, hug back down and do 20 tricep extensions and bear crawl up the hill and do 5 navy seals. Rinse and repeat for 12 minutes. After do another Indian merken run and stopping for decline LBCs.

Next round: Do 10 we are not worthy with coupons and jog to top, and do 20 whirly boys, jog back and do 10 burpee block jumps, and 20 more whirly boys. Repeat

Return coupons and meet back at parking lot and do announcements. Workout at shipyard with strawberry at the Q, pray for families who have lost love ones and F3 brothers who are still injured from the P200.

Good work from everyone

Work Was Done!!