F3 Greenwood

Well they say 3 is a crowd, and it was one today, near frostbite temperature in the high 20s or low 30s depending who’s asking. Bottom line it was freaking cold man.
Disclaimer given
Warm ups:
20 side straddle hops
20 Little Baby arm circles
20 LBACs in opposite direction.

Jogged to get coupons where there were some technical difficulties with the lock for coupon cage, but we figured it out as a team.
First exercise: teams of two one member start on 300 bench presses while other runs to Miranda with two bricks in hand and does 10 renegade roses, runs back and picks up count, repeat until finished. Next;100 weighted squats while other member run and do 10 renegade roses return and repeat. Third exercise; meet at Miranda with bricks and one member starts on 200 LBCs while other member does 5 pull-ups, repeat until done. After, do 200 American hammers with both bricks, and other member does 5 pull-ups. After do 10 burpees and 20 box jumps in the sequence of 1 burpee and 2 box jumps, jog back to coupon cage and do last exercises; 10 merken drags in group with coupon, and 5 burpee coupon throw. ( Do one burpee pick up coupon and throw over your shoulder turn around and repeat) return coupons and meet back at invisible Flag. ( sorry could not meet up with Bengay for the flag)
Countarama and names which didn’t take very long. Prayers: Uncle Buck, everyone injured, and everyone running this weekend.
No frostbite.
Through around some coupons.
Work was DONE!!